Much has been going on in the Life of Riley lately. Her grandma and papa came over to dinner on Tuesday night and we had a great time! On Friday she was having some tummy issues, so we took her to see Dr. Curtiss. He said it was nothing a little prune juice couldn't solve, and that as long as we were there, she might as well go ahead and get her next set of shots. She didn't like that too much! But, it was for her own good. She's weighing in at 14.1 lbs (although after that prune juice, it might have knocked her back down to 13.1lbs!) which is in the 50% range. Dr. Curtiss said she's average, but we all know she's much better than average! She's in the 70% for her height. That doesn't surprise me; she has pretty tall parents. And, finally, he said we definitely got the right baby from the hospital because she looks just like her mommy. That made me happy! (Although, there's no denying that she has her daddy's blue eyes!) Friday night, Riley stayed with her O.G. (other grandma) so that mommy and daddy could take a night and go out. We went to a concert featuring Andrew Carlson and the group, The Afters. It was so much fun! I don't think Ty initially thought he'd enjoy himself, but he really liked both artists. A bunch of kids from the youth group were there, so that was nice. We haven't seen them in awhile because we've been going to Pantano Christian instead of St. Andrews. It was really great to see my girls! And, I won tickets to a Rebecca St. James event! That happens in May. I am really excited about that. Ty's jealous that he can't go, but it's a girls' only event. He threatened to put on a dress and wig and join me. I'll definitely post pictures of that if he does! Enjoy the pictures!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Good times...
Posted by Ty, Roz and Riley at 7:07 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 23, 2007
Picture overload
Riley found her daddy's nose and she didn't want to let go. She's going to be a thumb sucker too, apparently. (I'm okay with that as long as she quits picking her daddy's nose!)

Posted by Ty, Roz and Riley at 7:56 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Short hair...
Our dining room set arrived the other day and it's beautiful! I wanted to add a picture of it, but I'm having some issues getting it to download. I'll just wait until the ottoman arrives and the whole place is put together and then I'll add pics of all of it. Meanwhile, please enjoy the picture of Riley- that's what you're really here for anyway, I'm sure. She's much prettier than the new couch! We decided to put her in her high chair for the first time since we've been eating at our new table. We've got a great high chair that reclines for her and it's cushy and nice. I think she likes it okay.
I got my hair cut yesterday. It's really short and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Everyone complemented me on it and seemed to really like it, but I'm still not sold on it. Once I get brave, I'll post a picture of me up here and let you all be the judge. There's not much I can do about it now, I guess. It's not like she can glue some back on.
Ty lost his cell phone by the way, so if any of you see a black razor phone around, let us know. Thanks!
Posted by Ty, Roz and Riley at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 16, 2007
New Furniture
Riley's gone to bed, so I've got some time to write. We're having new furniture delivered tomorrow- a couch, new dining room set and a leather ottoman. I'm pretty excited about it all. However, Tim the cat is not. You see, he's the reason we need a new couch in the first place. He destroyed the old one with his claws. We don't want to have him declawed so I bought "claw covers." I thought these would be easy to put on- how wrong I was. The first step is to trim is nails. It's been nearly an hour and we have one paw done. Then we have to basically super glue these covers over his nails. Then, we have to watch him for an hour to make sure he doesn't chew them off. (Did I mention the directions to this stuff say "Keep away from pets"? What's that about?) Ty is taking this pretty hard. I think he's concerned that we're demasculizing (is that a word? Spell check doesn't think so, but I'm leaving it.) his cat in some way. I think the Humane Society actually took care of that years ago, though. Right now, Ty's trying to figure out how we can just keep Tim locked up all the time. Oh boy.
Posted by Ty, Roz and Riley at 8:41 PM 3 comments
First post...
So, now that's I've seen my friend Amy's blog- I decided to steal the idea. Test...test...
Posted by Ty, Roz and Riley at 6:35 PM 2 comments