Several of my friends have started blogs, and it looked fun, so here we are. Plus, I figured this is a great place to put pics of Riley as she gets bigger- and that's happening FAST! But, what a beauty! She amazes me every day. We are truly blessed in so many way, but especially with our baby girl!
Posted by Ty, Roz and Riley at 8:53 PM 1 comments
Labels: Memorial Day Weekend
Isn't my husband wonderful? He figured out how to fix the camera! Now, I can still take pics and add them to the site and we don't have to spend $$$ on a new camera. Gotta love him! I have no idea how these pics will show up- let's just say "in no particular order..." There's a couple where Miss Riley totally conked out on my lap at dinner time. Then there's just some shots of her gorgeous face. Aren't her eyes fabulous? Then there are some where she's playing on her new activity center. She really seems to like it. She especially likes the duck on the boat. She likes it so much, she's trying to figure out how to eat him! She also banged around on the little keyboard that's on the table. I think I have a musical prodigy on my hands! I hope everyone is doing great. (By the way, her feet don't touch the ground yet from this little seat.They just dangle there!)
Posted by Ty, Roz and Riley at 8:29 PM 2 comments
First, let me say that sadly, our camera is not working quite right. The focus appears to be broken and every time we turn the camera on it makes this horrible ticking noise. I have to wonder if this is because someone left it on the stove while the oven was turned on and we melted something important. So, there are no pictures from Mother's Day weekend.
Despite a picture less weekend, we did have a great weekend. On Saturday, Riley and I went and surprised OG by making her breakfast. Saturday afternoon, Ty, Riley and I attended my cousin Krysta's graduation from nursing school. It was at a very large church, where apparently, you can't light real candles because during the candle lighting ceremony, they all had battery operated candles. Krysta was relieved though because she had quite a bit of hairspray in her hair and had been fearful of going up in flames should they have use real candles. Then, on Saturday night, OG and I went to a Rebecca St. James concert. It was a lot of fun. Vickie Beachem (sp?) also made an appearance and she was not only a very talented musician, but quite the comedian.
Sunday morning was wonderful. I broke all the rules and grabbed Riley out of bed early and put her in bed with us. She's so snuggly. She just slept on my chest for hours. It was heaven. Then we went to church and up to the family's place for Mother's Day lunch. Good food, good conversation and good times. AND- no nap for Riley. When she started getting grumpy we headed home. Our last outing of the day was over to Steffens for more food and fun. We didn't last too long there though because we were all pooped by then.
So, overall, a most excellent Mother's Day weekend. I thought about last year when we revealed to our Mom's that Baby J was on the way. I was so excited, but nothing compares to this Mother's Day and actually having her here. She's so precious. God is GOOD!!!
Posted by Ty, Roz and Riley at 7:15 PM 1 comments
I've got to learn how to get pictures on here in order...anyone?
Posted by Ty, Roz and Riley at 8:12 PM 2 comments
Here's Riley and Brandon at the county fair. She was so thrilled to be there!
Today I got her a new chair called a "bumbo" She likes to sit up and this little chair helps her do that. She seemed to really like it!
Our next big event of the day (after the chair) was eating cereal! Yeah! I have before, during and after pictures here. She seemed to really like it. And, after a meal like that, you've got to get a bath, so here she is with a very little baby mohawk!
Posted by Ty, Roz and Riley at 8:01 PM 1 comments