Saturday, July 28, 2007

Super Mom

I have a friend from high school whose blog I recently ran across. She is a stay at home mom with 3 kids ages four and under, and baby #4 is on the way. She has a thriving garden that she actually uses the food from. (it's not just flowers to look pretty, although she has one of those, too) She's recently gotten into canning. She even canned her own salsa not long ago, rather than freezing it. I thought canning was something people did in factories or before tupperware. She's also an avid scrapbooker and baker. I just read on her blog that she's gotten into making her own cleaning products. She also makes her own body washes. Did I mention she finds time to workout? And she's positively positive. She writes the most lovely blogs full of fun stories about her children (and some that scare me- babies can take off their diapers and spread poop everywhere? when does this start happening? I need to invent something to prevent that and I think I still have time) She manages to find the bright side of everything even though I can't imagine she sleeps much.
My child is just fortunate that Costco makes industrial tubs of laundry detergent, that Gerber has come out with packaged food all the way from birth through toddler and that I take her picture, even if they don't get put in a scrapbook.
Yes, my friend is amazing. She's like supermom- on prozac- at disneyland- with her best friend Martha Stewart. But, I'm happy just being me, crawling on the floor with Riley hoping that what she just put in her mouth was a Cheerio.


I don't have any pictures of Riley's adorable little teeth because she sticks her tongue out and it's hard to capture a glimpse of them, but they're there. Two little teeth on the bottom. And- they're sharp!
She's also crawling up on all fours now. Before, she kinda looked like a soldier trudging through the mud on her belly, using her elbows to pull her along. But now, she's figured out she's much fast up on her hands and knees.
She's also trying to pull herself up on everything she can find. And I swear yesterday she waved "bye-bye." This is a fun age!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Trip to Minnesota

Last week we made a trip to Minnesota to see Riley's great Aunt Leslie. Great Grandpa and Great Grandma also made the trip. We were there for the Fourth of July. We saw a parade and a big fireworks show. We went to the Mall of America, Minnehaha Falls, Centinniel Lakes and a little town on the St. Croix River. It was a very fun, busy trip and we can't wait to go back!
While we were there, Riley started crawling and cut her first tooth! She had a very productive week. Plus, everywhere we went people oohed and awed over her. She literally held up the security line at the airport because people in line were all turned around looking at her and talking to her. Riley, of course, was eating it up and putting on quite the show talking and laughing with them. What a doll!
Thanks so much to Aunt Leslie for having us. Again, we can't wait to come back!