Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Big Girl!

Riley has been very busy lately crawling around and pulling her self up on anything and everything she can use! She's a little wobbly, but she's "cruising" furniture too. It's crazy how fast she's growing. She's also whispering a lot. I'm not sure what she's saying, but it's like she's practicing talking. It's very cute.
I bought a fence type thing today for our living room so that I can keep her in one space. It's like "baby jail." She's wasn't very impressed with it at first, but then OG and I got in with her and she started to think maybe it was okay. Then OG and I stayed in, and put Riley outside of the fence and she thought that was very funny.
Enjoy the pics!


Carolyn said...

I love the one of her face peeking through the gate! Aren't you glad I made the bumper really thin so she can't use it to climb out? She is getting to be such a big girl!

Jim & Amy said...

Wow she is getting to be such a little girl. can't wait to finally meet her.

Susie said...

I love the sleeping pictures... especially the one on Ty's chest. Awwww!