Saturday, May 24, 2008

What a week!

It's been quite a week at our house. Last Saturday night Riley started getting a fever and it just got worse. It didn't help matters that she refused to drink anything. By Sunday morning, we were off to the pediatric ER where we were told she just had a virus and to wait it out. My poor girl just laid in my arms all die and moaned. She sounded so horrible- totally congested. On Monday, we visited her pediatrician, where again we were told it was just a virus. (I also had my wisdom teeth removed on Monday. Oh joy.) By Thursday, she still had a fever, sounded horrible and was now constantly throwing up. So, off to the ER again. This time they actually listened to my poor baby and her poor parents and decided to do chest x-rays. Turns out, she has pneumonia! Fortunately, it isn't too bad of a case. They gave her something to stop the vomiting, got her rehydrated and gave us some antibiotics and sent us on our way. She's doing much better today- practically back to her old rambunctious self! I am so happy to see her doing well again. It's miserable when your baby is sick. They can't tell you where they hurt and you can't explain why the doctors are doing all these tests and trying to stick you with an IV.
Anyway, we are all doing great now and looking forward to the Memorial Day weekend.
Riley is talking up a storm now. Her favorite phrase is, "What's that?" She's a wiz at flash cards. We line up three at a time and I ask her to point to one of them. For instance, "Where's the turtle?" And she does it! She's just so darn smart! She cleans up after herself and likes to sing the "Clean up! Clean up! Everybody clean up!" while she does it. I love it!
Anyway, the pictures are some of her at church, some of her hanging out at the house in her Baxter (the mascot for the AZ Diamond backs) t-shirt and some of her driving her daddy's mutt.