Sunday, May 3, 2009

Time for some new pics...

Since I've been remiss in updating my blog, I thought I'd better get on it. We've had some great times. We had a great Easter, although you'll note in the pics that Riley had a wardrobe change that day. The first dress (blue) was her original dress. I waited until just before we were leaving for church to put it on her, but don't you know in the two minutes between getting the dress on her and walking out the front door, she somehow found my foundation and got it all over the dress!! While I was taking the pic of her and Ty, that's when he looked down and said,"what's all over her?" I really freaked out at this point because not only is this her Easter dress, but it's also her flower girl dress for my sister-in-law's wedding in a couple of months. AHHH!!! Fortunately, we were able to get it out, but we had to hand wash the dress and it was too wet to wear, so I had to improvise on an Easter dress. (Thank goodness my daughter has never been short of clothing!)
Riley with her Easter goodies from the Bunny himself.

The infamous blue dress...

Easter egg hunt at Grandma and Papa's

Finally, we ended the day with a very tire bunny...

Next up was a trip to OK to see my friend Amy, her son JT and her beautiful new girl, Isabell. We had a great time! JT and Riley had a good time together, as did Amy and I. Love you Ames!
Already great friends...

At the aquarium

At the children's museum

Baby Isabell- who Riley loved!! (And so do I)

My best friend and I

I have tons more pictures I could add, but this is already turning out to be the world's longest blog!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Big girl bed!

I know, I know. It's been way too long since I've posted anything. I'm sorry! However, we had a big event today, so I thought I better post some pics. Riley moved into her big girl bed tonight. She's so excited. She's actually been in there for about 45 minutes now and it's not even bed time. She's just playing on her bed. At some point I'm going to have to peel her away for a bath!
She's such a talker these days and she lets us know what's on her mind. She loves to sing, count and dance- usually all at once! We just finished another session of gymnastics and of course, she was fabulous. Her favorite songs are her ABC's, Jesus loves me, and Take me out to the ballgame.
Next week we start potty training...oh joy!