Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Good times...

Hello! Well, we've already had a very busy summer, with more to come. Riley has started attending a gym class called, "Movers and Shakers." It's so cute! She has a really great time and if I may brag (and really, it's my blog so I can if I want) she's super talented! She is completely fearless and never cries over anything. Last week she walked across all the different levels of the balance beams, did flips over a bar and climbed across the parallel bars. Was she receiving some assistance? Of course, but some kids wouldn't even try it. The instructor she has all the traits of a great gymnast! Okay- bragging somewhat finished. Oh wait- she's also counting to three now. It's too cute.
I'm attaching pictures of gym class (I took lots of video and very few photos), playing with her cousin, and swimming at great-aunt Janet's house on Father's Day. I think Ty did have a nice Father's Day. Riley and I got up early and made him breakfast. Then he went back to bed for awhile before we joined his parents for church. After that, we went back to their house for lunch and then swimming. We also went and visited Riley's great-grandparents, so that we could give Great-Grandpa Roy a card and a hug. Unfortunately, Riley slept through all of that. She was pretty worn out after all the other activities of the day.
Let's see...other updates:
She counts to three
Her favorite phrase is "What's this?"
2nd favorite: "MINE!"
Brushes her teeth like a pro
Can do a forward roll
Brightens my world every day!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Summer fun...

And so, here we are at the beginning of summer. So many things to do, to see and to try. Riley has started a class called Movers and Shakers. It's a tumble class for toddlers. I couldn't go to her first class (I had volunteered to do something else before I knew the start date of her class) and Ty only took video, so I will get pics of her at class next week. For now, enjoy the photos of her trying out her first s'more, her first time standing in the corner (so sad!) and playing with her cousin in the jumping castle.